When doing Japan online shopping, what do you do when faced with an all-Japanese page and don’t know how to fill in the shipping information? New online shoppers, don’t worry! Let us guide you step-by-step on how to fill in the Japanese online shopping address information & Japanese name in katakana, ensuring you complete the order process within 5 minutes! Save this guide quickly!
Tutorial for Filling in the Japanese Warehouse Address
Step 1: Translate the Webpage
When shopping online in Japan, make good use of the Google Translate function to convert the entire Japanese page into Chinese.

Step 2: Open the “Overseas Warehouse Address” page on the Buy&Ship website
Select “Japan Warehouse” to view and copy the details of the Buy&Ship Japanese warehouse.
Step 3: Fill in the Recipient’s Name
First, enter the surname, then copy the “名前” (including the first name and the “MY” prefix of the Buy&Ship membership ID) from the Buy&Ship address details. Most websites will require you to fill in “フリガナ” in Katakana.

Step 4: Convert to Katakana
For the “フリガナ” (Japanese Katakana) field, you can go to the Japanese Name Converter and enter your name. Click on “Convert” to obtain your corresponding Japanese Katakana.
Step 5: Copy the Address for Filling In
Open the “Overseas Warehouse Address” page on the Buy&Ship website again. Copy and paste the “郵便番号” (postal code), “住所” (address), and “電話番号” (phone number) details of the Buy&Ship Japanese warehouse.
Finally, enter your email address. Make sure to use a frequently used email to receive the seller’s shipping notification.
Once all the shipping address information is filled in, you can proceed to the payment step!